Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Wasting It All on Him

MIA much?

Lately the Lord has really been convicting my heart of how much time I personally waste on social media. It probably will sound so cliche to say that 'media plays such a huge role in todays society' but man it is SO darn true. For some us like myself, we get so comfortable with technology/social media to the point where we no longer communicate face to face with one another but rather waste tons of time on the internet. Think about how many things could get done with the time we use on social media. Think about the sleep that you'd be getting in place of that. For some of you, lets face it it adds up.

Well as I mentioned for myself, it has really been convicting me. Its eaten so much of my devotional time, tons actually, that i could've used to spend time with my Savior, my Father. Ive been beating myself up about the fact that as a human I will never be able to give Jesus as much time as He gives me no matter how hard I try, and being distracted by social media does not help that at all.

At our most recent BLT (bridge leadership meeting) we read Ezekiel 34:1-24 and compared what a good shepherd looks like versus a bad shepherd. Here are a few of the things we came up with:

A good shepherd:

  • walks with his sheep
  • cleans his sheep
  • is humble
  • is patient
  • is disciplined
  • sacrifices for his sheep
  • feeds his sheep
A baaad sheperd
  • feeds himself and does not feed his sheep
  • loses his sheep
  • is selfish
  • does not lead his sheep
  • allows his sheep to become prey for wolves
For myself being in a leadership position this kind of hurt. It was sort of a wake up call like 'hey jess, how are you using your time?' Now lets have a disclaimer here: social media does not hurt everyone and everything; it has its benefits. But when we're living a life for Jesus, we ought to be using ALL the time we can for Him. 

This week for school one one of our homework assignments was to read Warren Wierbe's 'On Being A Servant of God' chapter 23 and what do you know, guess what it was about? Being a worker for God.

So many good points in this chapter that were relevant to the topic of being a shepherd, or as the BLT ladies say 'shepherdesses'. Here are a few:

  • 'God is seeking worshippers, and workers, and fruit bearers because God is seeking the lost.'
  • (heres a great one) 'When there were only two sinners on this earth, God the Father interrupted His Sabbath rest to seek them and bring them back. (Gen. 3:8-9)
  • 'If reaching sinners is so important to God, it ought o be important to us.'
  • 'Something vanishes from our ministry when we lose our burden for lost souls. We gradually become professional Christian workers who do our job well, create no problems, but never have the blessing of seeing the gospel miracle take place in the lives of people.'
  • 'The light that shines the farthest will shine the brightest at home.'
  • 'Its good to win people for Christ where we don't live, but that's no substitute for winning people to Christ where we do live.'
  • '...the shining begins at home.'
  • 'If you have a burden to reach lost people right where you are, you'll probably have a burden o reach lost people everywhere in the world.'
  • 'No matter what task God has called you to do, always remember that your ministry touches a whole world if you are truly serving the Lord.'
  • 'Jesus said that the message of what Mary did would travel around the world! (See Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8)'
  • 'One of the special joys in heaven will be meeting people we never met before, people who came to Christ because of our witness of ministry, and we knew nothing about it.'
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

Now what in the heck does this all have to do with each other?

In wasting my time on social media, it replaced my devotional time with the Lord, which weakened me spiritually, causing me to fall back into anxiety. Causing me to become a bad shepherd. It made me weak and weary, causing my burden for His sheep to get lost. I focused on myself and the issue I essentially created by not being in my word. Folks ,yes we ought to attend to our needs but once our basic needs are met, the love of Christ ought to compel us to serve Gods sheep and bring them into His green pastures. Don't lose heart in serving, God sees it all, He sees the heartache we put aside to help those who are in greater need. And be reminded that we don't do it for man but for CHRIST JESUS. 

Heres a great song I came across today. DISCLAIMER #2: No I am not inferring that the people we serve are our enemies lol but rather that when it gets hard to serve/shepherd our brothers and sisters that we would see them in which the way Christ does and that that would be what compels us to serve them.

Join me in striving to live a real life not a mediocre one, lets waste all of our time on Him!

"I want to waste it all on You
I want to pour my heart's perfume
I don't care if I'm called a fool
I'm wasting it all on You"
{Waste it all - Kim Walker Smith}

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Questioned why i was filming my boring lunch but after i ate this salad it was the answer to my question. Seriously if you haven't had Trader Joe's Kale and Cauliflower Curry Salad, please go...NOW. Every minute of this salad reminded me of India, mostly the smell lol greatest thing I've had this year hands down.

SWEET worship with the jr highers, thanks to everyone who jumped in and helped, honestly it was such a help. AND Sweet time of some well needed fellowship. Honestly i hadn't laughed so much in so long. Change is definitely near but so glad that the Lord restores and work everything for our good.

P.S shout out to everyone on Friday who didn't tell me my hair looked like a peacock, and everyone who laughed when i said 'valum' and not volume. #rats
Thank you Lord for the gift of worship that You have blessed each of us with. Continue to humble us as we lead others into Your thrown room of grace.

No video for Friday (or Saturday, sad day but i will continue despite my OCD) - totally flew over my head, probably because i was too busy catching up with Xu. So excited for the things the Lord will do this year!

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace." Acts 20:24

Lord help me to run this race with endurance, help me to finish my race well.

Yellow Fever hangs and catch ups are thee best.
Missed the first night of discipleship in lieu of a CPR class but praying that the Lord would use this certification to open new doors.
"Then Jesus told His disciples...that they should always pray and not give up." Luke 18:1

"Go to the ant." Tammerlane used to relate to his friends an anecdote of his early life. "I once," he said, "was forced to take shelter from my enemies in a ruined building, where I sat alone many hours. Desiring to divert my mind from my hopeless condition, I fixed my eyes on an ant that was carrying a grain of corn larger than itself up a high wall. I numbered the efforts it made to accomplish this object. The grain fell sixty-nine times to the ground; but the insect persevered, and the seventieth time it reached the top. This sight gave me courage at the moment, and I never forgot the lesson.
--The King's Business

"To someone who prays in faith, unanswered prayers are simply the evidence that the answer is much closer. From beginning to end, our Lords lessons and examples teach us that prayer that is not steadfast and persistent, nor revived and refreshed, and does not gather strength from previous prayers is not the prayer that will triumph."
--William Arthur

"In any of the arts, when the artist ceases to practice, we know the results. If we would only use the same level of common sense in our faith that we use in our everyday life, we would be moving on toward perfection."
--Arthur Rubinstein

Todays devo was extremely encouraging. The Lord has been reminding me of the importance of not just prayer but diligent prayer, and it's so awesome that He has confirmed it through others!

Enjoyed a morning hike and a trip to Trader Joes with mama bear and ended my night with PM, the drama we're working on is pretty powerful - stay tuned.